Friday, May 27, 2011

Someone's waiting, watch your steps...

We don't seek melodramatics, we don't walk to match the step before, we don't breathe to die, and we certainly don't strive to dissappoint. When we do flatten our image, provoke the caring, misinterpret our true selves, and disrespect the respectful, it's a matter of self effacy. Creativity and our emotional appeals don't strengthen us, they break us down and demote our ignorance from blissful insight to intellectual snobbyness. So we assume, judge, inference; the perfect inhuman stereotypical foreshadow. We don't have our instincts because we lose our natural intuition to deep thought. We fuck up, distance ourselves from the laughter, the reality, and the great times we have in front of us, we refuse to the caboose. But the circles are never ending and one moment is always different from the next. The sun shines the moon, and the shadow grows to fade. I'm taking my deep breath, I'm counting on tomorrow, I'm giving time to make up everything I've borrowed.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Moving Stress

I found a hill once and ascended it to find a fountain of ecstacy. The trip was exhilerating, I met some peeps with the same intrigue and fascinations I was all about. "My body tells me noooo, but I won't quit, cause I won't knooooow..." The shit hit the fan on the down and when the hill concaved and deteriorated completely a Mount Circle and 2 O'Clock Arrow, tried to show me a new horizon. Skeptical as I've always been, I shrugged it off, not in disbelief but in quality concern of the peak's stability. It's slope was most slipery but my gloves seemed to have the mandable friction needed to keep up and I gave in. I'm in a limbo stage now, where peaks below me rumble and shift, and like low elevated clouds, peaks protrude down from above. They're clinching like carnivors, and it's getting harder to determine which peaks will revert back to the path I planned around. Change is my necessity and while some rocks crumble and sift through my imperfect grip my feet hold strong beneath me. The rock solid stability keeps me levitating toward the essence of others, to their liking or dismay. 50/50 is worse than 10/90 in any situation, specifically making predictability normal and unpredictability negative. If I knew everything about Mount Circle and 2 O'Clock Arrow there would be no incline, no personal intrigue, no misinterpretations, nothing to find pleasurable about the experience of emotions and motivations for reaching the Mount's summit and whatever truths relevant, waiting to be collaboratively shown to both of us. So through all the gorges and endless pits and cranies and the avalanches waiting to be shook, the obstacle not physical but mental, is the pathway I tread through for my ultimate sacrifice of self. Curiosity gave the cat character, choice gave it direction, and chance gave it hope.

Bow -Chicka -Wow- Wow, what you gonna say?..

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Focus lost in hocus pocus...

Generally speaking, life is about happiness, but if we fail at prioritizing to a point where we can't reciprocate useful thoughts then we're lost in translation. From a cognitive standpoint how we tap into certain personalities conducive to specific situations is beyond my comprehension. Is this an issue of information or experience overload? How can we differentiate between the right actions socially, when we're involved in so many other altruistic activities for the betterment of our futures? Imbalances, specifically in schedules, relationships, friendships, school, work, excercise and hobbies, I believe change our personalities. From an economic standpoint if we're unable to acheive our goals and change sets us back, stress literally takes over our cognitions.

It's tough for us be formally genuine in these mindsets because we're not owning up to our insights, rather we're living to be less frustrated instead of being explorative and retaining what we know is important to us. From a personal standpoint I feel like everything I have the capability to do I should, whether intellectual or physical, share with other people. Those individuals who give me the time of day deserve this presence, and the utmost respect and attentive conversation, in bullshitting or meaningful exchanges. Creativity is lost in hocus pocus where our most recent experiences overwhelm our true selves.

Musician of the segment post: Liam Gerner

Thursday, March 31, 2011

March Madness - What goes around, Comes Around

I had USC playing KU in a re-match and losing. How wrong was I, not as wrong as most, my bracket was in the 58th percentile. Virginia Commonwealth rocked the world last week, but Wichita State in the NIT is taking New York City and the great Madison Square Garden by the throat with a dominating performance, crushing Washington State by more than thirty points. Wichita State lost to VCU by one at home on a contoversial foul call that sent the Rams' star point guard to the line with .4 seconds remaining in regultion. Earlier in the year Wichita State played an unranked UCONN squad in the Maui preseason tournament and lost due to zebras with heavy lungs and a 29 point second half performance by arguably the best player in the country. I'm predicting Butler vs. Kentucky in the tournament final. What concerns me about the final four of the NCAA Tournament is Connecticut, not to take anything away from their brilliant freshmen and Kemba Walker, but their coach, who broke the rules and won't serve the consequences the proceding season. This is madness because the general public, discounting sports figures, don't get away with breaking laws, until it's convenient. The truth that money, popularity, and television runs the social spectrum is obvious. We don't need a magnifying glass to see that Jim Tressel at Ohio State should be fired for lying to the NCAA, let alone his own employer, Ohio State University. Personally this has very little affect on all of us but I guess life was meant to be unfair so when these issues arrise we should continue to pursue that which affects us the closest, including watching the coverage of the all falsing press. When will we make the ultimate sacrifices to save our integrity. This is an afterthought, Paradise doesn't concieve these issues. Oh well, I keep winning money on the ish, *uck it.

PCB, FL The South and One Long Pretentous Fairy Tale

This is what life existed for.. Baseball on the beach ending with a dome-check from aiming at beercans off of pvc pipe stuck in the white sand. Spring break was so eventful, I couldn't find any other reason to leave but to come home and bury my head in books in order to get back to paradise. When I got back to Wichita I found myself ornery enough to begin something, something I had convinced myself I wouldn't do continuously throughout the 22 hour drive home, download new music. It's lack of significance is disheartening but I guess it's one of the few necessary mind-warping guilty pleasures I endulge in. In the bottom picture Jon and I are finishing up at the beach, walking back to the Majestic Resort Thursday, two days before the beginning of the rest of our lives. The people in Panama City are amazing, full of joy and beauty. It's hard to believe only 12-15 thousand inhabit the area especially with their greatest season lasting 9 months.

I. Had. The time of my liiiiife. With epiphanys evident in the social, evolutionary, and the unreal perspective, dreams exuberated reality. Moderation is the key in every fathomable way, but Kid Ink's song "Let it Go," speaks the pursuit of life, work for happiness, I think therefore I chase. Steady pace, keeps the race. Tap it.

Side Note- Jackson, Mississppi has extremely good cajun, if you order the right entree (Crawfish etoufee). ;) Big Hair, heeeeey!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Philosphy over empiricism? Interesting but non-conclusive b/c of our inability to grasp the indecisive and all confusing human intuition.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Restaurants, STDs, and COPS

What a Super Bowl we witnessed Sunday evening, as Aaron Rogers and Green Bay absolutely stappled their pages in the NFL history books. How about a lackluster performance by an all-the-sudden seemingly overrated quarterback in "Big" Ben Roethlisberger. Almost ten months after a felony criminal act- the deflowering of a sober woman,without consent- Big Ben played like a fibber. It make sense, as he underthrew and most often overthrew his recievers, in Ben's tied for 3rd most important NFL game, costing Pittsburgh the Super Bowl. But my overall feelings are of great satisfaction for the Green Bay area and their fan base. The best word to describe this group, classy, probably the classiest fans in the National Football League with arguably the classiest history and group of football players including my favorite college player in history, Charles Woodson. Though Woodson was unable to continue to play the remainder of the game, after laying out defending a pass and breaking his colar bone, he got exactly what he's worked his entire life to achieve-two years after being named Defensive MVP- the Lombardi Trophy. Congratulations to Mr. Woodson and company. After sustaining countless injuries to prevail and complete a sustaining circle they'll be rewarded with a big ol' shiney one.

Driving home Monday morning I had a sudden hatred for police officers, again, as a squad car pulled out  of a side street behind me, followed and proceded to exceed the speed limit by 25, 65 in a 40 mph zone- I know because I couldn't catch up myself at 60mph- I wanted to call him in but as his two taillights began merging into one, determined to exploit another unsuspecting inebriated citizen, I arived on the street where I needed to turn on to get home. I had an argument concerning this when I arrived home, and I couldn't outweigh my pride for freedom. I felt so trapped out there on the streets, like a fish frozen above water. I can't wrap my head around such a business as profoundly humiliative as an arresting officer- sounds so respectful- who carries weapons around to enforce what he believes on network and public institutionalized systems run my corrupt politicians and their masters. It's simply non-sense making.

I'm working on not judging, which has personally been a huge issue over the last couple of years. I was exposed to a negative side of my peer group while attending the KU college in Lawrence in 2007-2008 and not to entirely blame that period of time and the demographic, but I was influenced by my exposure while I try not to make excuses for accidents and mistakes. This past week I called someone big boned in a discriminatory way and payed for it. It's unfortunate for both parties and while those close to me encourage me to move on and promote a better faith, I can't help but to rely on being discouraged about the situation. I'm planning on a formal apology letter to the person I rudely commented on. It sort of comes back to the whole police issue I have as well. It's an athoritative issue, one which I have regorous hatred for because of not being reprimanded correctly at some point earlier in life. But now its conscious little head is beginning to poke through for my present-future betterment.
We can't go around demeaning and belittling others, no matter what the situation, we can't as a people with society the way it is, go around doing whatever we want; it's toxic for everyone. Our morals need to be enshrined around politeness, humor, a sense of self reality and the ones we grow in, but we also have to strive to be compassionate towards other's and show situational discretion, we shouldn't be brought upon by the 7 sins because in reality they shape that which hurts the most.

4 minutes 'till 1 O'Clock, g'night

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

White specs...

So this one time February 1st, 2011 I felt compelled to go out in treacherous weather because I go hard like that. I have to work out or I don't feel abled to think correctly. But there's this really nasty wind that blows this white stuff down everywhere and makes everything literally unbearable to stand called snow flakes. Lots and lots of snow flakes as if someone decided there's not enough snow flakes where Bret is right now, let's dump them until he himself turns into a snow flake. Which is, or would be possible if they percieved me as a complete imbassol or incompetent but I have the intranet and a vehicle and an ICE scrapper and some m.f. gloves. So bitch as weather back the fuck off. I own you and your couch and the ability to make you disappear because I have emissions that belittle yo ass and make YOU incompetant.

Enough enough, so I had this dream last night where I was kickin' it with some of the homeboys and they wanted to go party, but one of the homeboys is an alcoholic and insecure about almost everything and the other is super chill, a pot head and ultimately better than you, kwim? Anyways we were going to head out the door when the god damn phone rang, woke me up, and wrecked my ass into gear so thank you RL for making reality apparent at 9:30 a.m. on a Tuesday, without you I'd have never decided my favorite snacks consist of peanut butter and a banana or almonds and black berries- recent discovery brought to my attn. by Caro. So I'm going to the YMCA now to get swollen and have to recoop through the elements and continue on my mission for self indulgence and life satisfaction only brought upon by immediate dissatisfaction and the ever-lasting tunnel vision motivating me to look like superman so I can get some ass.

Yup but here's my workout routine fur today:
                       15 minutes on the Eliptical followed by 4 laps, 3 1/2 walking and 1/2 lunges
                       Lat Pull Downs : 3 x 12 and Narrow 3 x 12
                       Pull Ups: 1 x 15-20, 25-30 Dips
                      Stretch Legs
                      Military Press (Smith Machine): 4 x 10,8,8,6
                      Standing Rows: 4 x 10
                      Pull Ups 1 x 15-20, 25-30 Dips
                      Hammer Strength Iso Lat. Flex: 4 x 10
                      Lateral Parallel Side Flex: 4 x 10
                      Barbell Curls: 4 x 8
                      Dead Lifts: 4 x 10 (medium weight)
                      Shoulder Super Set 3 x 9 w/ Reverse Flys (seated)
                      Lower Back Extension: 3 x 25

This is an advanced Training Regiment and I do not recommend doing all the sets at a high weight resistance. No I don't think highly of myself because I don't see myself on a pedestal. I'm not concieted, I'm aware and I tend to think about things in a different way. I love women and women love nice bodies therefore I strive to have one. I enjoy fitness and keeping in shape, I do not take any supplements outside of protein and health drinks consisting of purely, vitamins, essential for everyday nourishment.

*******BTW KU vs. Texas Tech tonight @ 8p central time*******

Sunday, January 30, 2011

mickey avalon was booed off stage

-In 2007 Mickey Avalon opened for the Red Hot Chili Peppers in Oklahoma City and in the Netherlands, non-the-less he was booed off after the acts. WTF for?!
2 reasons: He doesn't understand that not everyone embodies the lackluster attempts at rapping about the real life experiences that occur under the influence of drugs and carelessness. The RHCP write about emotion through experience and people can accept this because they aren't necessarily promoting their actions, rather they hamper them, exploiting the negative consequences from which they come from. I think both audiences felt a sense of fear from this rappers lyrics causing the turmoil and reaction.

Mickey Avalon is a product of his environment, but I was extreemly surprised at the concert goers' selfishness and insecurity after his performance especially disregarding the RHCP's choice in allowing Mickey a shot at famedome. Note: Don't boo someone for any performance, it's rude. Write a note as a paper airplane and politely launch it from your hand to the stage. I enjoy Mickey's tone and his prose because I've read about the man. Truthfully he's had a rougher life than a lot of us and disrespecting him for attempting to make something from the only paths he's traveled is embarrassing to witness. If these people are booing Mickey with the inconsistent censorship we choose to live amongst I'm worried for Ke$ha's safety.

Long story short, as long as we endorse this behavior life insurance policies aren't going anywhere, it's the concert attendents' fault we don't export anything besides the outsource and the services they provide. It's cool though because the concert staff recycled everything that was thrown on stage with open arms and a dumpster :/...

Friday, January 28, 2011

to play or not to play...

So there's this indicisiveness on the dome, I really want to work out but, I drank last night- lot 'o beersky's-  but this gut don't fix itself so I coincided with my schedule deciding the DA needs some papers my TEAS studying needs tending to too and I'll play tennis with Troy later. This guy really thinks he's better than me @ tennis; TF is he psychotic?!... that's another blog topic, see having competitiveness in specificity is embeded in us for some motive that we feel is sooo necessary for us to remain happy but are we supposed to be happy allllll the time. I mean I think it helps to feel bad so we can search for the reasons behind this self-pity or "downing." How can we help each other not in our personal demographic but the worst demographic we are exposed to. What can we do to help 75% of the world that doesn't understand how easy our pragmatic life(s) is/are. We have faith but our faith is entrenched in a false SOM, where we believe, believing something will grant us a better opportunity for succeeding others in selfish motive. Enough enough already I'm going to go keep busy and distract myself from using my noggin, f.e. errands, classes, learning a trade, fuck it i'm playing tennis later and I'm gonna smash TROY like a fucking rainforrest in the way.