Friday, January 28, 2011

to play or not to play...

So there's this indicisiveness on the dome, I really want to work out but, I drank last night- lot 'o beersky's-  but this gut don't fix itself so I coincided with my schedule deciding the DA needs some papers my TEAS studying needs tending to too and I'll play tennis with Troy later. This guy really thinks he's better than me @ tennis; TF is he psychotic?!... that's another blog topic, see having competitiveness in specificity is embeded in us for some motive that we feel is sooo necessary for us to remain happy but are we supposed to be happy allllll the time. I mean I think it helps to feel bad so we can search for the reasons behind this self-pity or "downing." How can we help each other not in our personal demographic but the worst demographic we are exposed to. What can we do to help 75% of the world that doesn't understand how easy our pragmatic life(s) is/are. We have faith but our faith is entrenched in a false SOM, where we believe, believing something will grant us a better opportunity for succeeding others in selfish motive. Enough enough already I'm going to go keep busy and distract myself from using my noggin, f.e. errands, classes, learning a trade, fuck it i'm playing tennis later and I'm gonna smash TROY like a fucking rainforrest in the way.

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