Tuesday, December 17, 2013

I find out today how the new journey begins... from the bottom (of the insight spectrum). It is December 17th. My grandfather passed away 6 years and 1 month today. To which I know he held a life full of achievement, and the late, a newly found empathy. Grandmothers, how you always pushed for me to have a joyous and exploratory endeavor in life, I loved you all. Today I live for you, and as long as you owed your time to mine, I honor that. Through this lively obstacle course I learn less about the world and more about what the world has molded me to appeal in the temptations of an easily muttered vibration; trust in word. I've made many mistakes and I'll continue to make mistakes because there's no excuse to excuse excusing mistakes... and my memory may have once been blessed, but now it is tried and untrue. What I accomplished in the fall of 2013 was the end of a 19 semester long war, the battle won with my grit minus a few chipped teeth, a few mini strokes, and sure to be some stress related cv/heart disease to come. Through all of the anguish and nights I crammed for a test I had the time to put in, but decided something extracurricular needed my attention instead, I scrapped by. I survived; I'm a survivor.

-2013 Wichita State University Graduate