Friday, May 27, 2011

Someone's waiting, watch your steps...

We don't seek melodramatics, we don't walk to match the step before, we don't breathe to die, and we certainly don't strive to dissappoint. When we do flatten our image, provoke the caring, misinterpret our true selves, and disrespect the respectful, it's a matter of self effacy. Creativity and our emotional appeals don't strengthen us, they break us down and demote our ignorance from blissful insight to intellectual snobbyness. So we assume, judge, inference; the perfect inhuman stereotypical foreshadow. We don't have our instincts because we lose our natural intuition to deep thought. We fuck up, distance ourselves from the laughter, the reality, and the great times we have in front of us, we refuse to the caboose. But the circles are never ending and one moment is always different from the next. The sun shines the moon, and the shadow grows to fade. I'm taking my deep breath, I'm counting on tomorrow, I'm giving time to make up everything I've borrowed.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Moving Stress

I found a hill once and ascended it to find a fountain of ecstacy. The trip was exhilerating, I met some peeps with the same intrigue and fascinations I was all about. "My body tells me noooo, but I won't quit, cause I won't knooooow..." The shit hit the fan on the down and when the hill concaved and deteriorated completely a Mount Circle and 2 O'Clock Arrow, tried to show me a new horizon. Skeptical as I've always been, I shrugged it off, not in disbelief but in quality concern of the peak's stability. It's slope was most slipery but my gloves seemed to have the mandable friction needed to keep up and I gave in. I'm in a limbo stage now, where peaks below me rumble and shift, and like low elevated clouds, peaks protrude down from above. They're clinching like carnivors, and it's getting harder to determine which peaks will revert back to the path I planned around. Change is my necessity and while some rocks crumble and sift through my imperfect grip my feet hold strong beneath me. The rock solid stability keeps me levitating toward the essence of others, to their liking or dismay. 50/50 is worse than 10/90 in any situation, specifically making predictability normal and unpredictability negative. If I knew everything about Mount Circle and 2 O'Clock Arrow there would be no incline, no personal intrigue, no misinterpretations, nothing to find pleasurable about the experience of emotions and motivations for reaching the Mount's summit and whatever truths relevant, waiting to be collaboratively shown to both of us. So through all the gorges and endless pits and cranies and the avalanches waiting to be shook, the obstacle not physical but mental, is the pathway I tread through for my ultimate sacrifice of self. Curiosity gave the cat character, choice gave it direction, and chance gave it hope.

Bow -Chicka -Wow- Wow, what you gonna say?..